Report on the Post-Raupatu Claims. Volume II

Table of Contents
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Long Contents: page xiii  (8 pages)
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xivto next page
9.5 4 Conclusions 736
9.6 Provision of services 737
9.6.1 Health 738
(1) Provision of health services to 1900 738
(2) Provision of health services, 1900–45 741
(3) Provision of health services after 1945 748
(4) Conclusions 752
9.6.2 Housing 753
(1) Assistance for Māori housing in the pre-urbanisation era 753
(2) Assistance for Māori housing in the post-war era 757
(3) The impact of planning rules on peri-urban Māori land 758
(4) Housing programme challenged by population growth 761
(5) Integration and pepper-potting 762
(6) A more flexible approach to Māori land? 764
(7) Assistance for Māori housing in recent decades 766
(8) The papakāinga lending programme 767
(9) Building housing on Māori land: continuing problems 771
(10) The response of local authorities 774
(11) Conclusions 776
9.6.3 Education 777
(1) Native schools 777
(2) Education Board schools 779
(3) Post-primary education and preparation for employment 781
(4) Te reo Māori in the education system 784
9.6.4 Provision of services 791
9.7 The submissions of the parties 791
9.7.1 Claimant submissions 791
9.7.2 Crown submissions 794
9.8 Tribunal discussion, analysis, and findings 796
9.8.1 To what extent did land loss contribute to the economic and social marginalisation of Tauranga Māori? 796
(1) Discussion of the facts 796
(a) Land loss: the economic consequences 796
(b) Land loss 798
(c) Land loss and socioeconomic disadvantage: a causal nexus? 798
(d) Determining the Crown’s role 799
(2) Treaty analysis and findings 800
9.8.2 Have the Crown’s legislative regimes for Māori landholding and development contributed to the marginalisation of Tauranga Māori? 801
(1) Discussion of the facts 801
(2) Treaty analysis and findings 803
9.8.3 Did the Crown meet its obligations to those hapū left with little or no land? 803
(1) Discussion of the facts 803