Report on the Tauranga Confiscation Claims

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Chapter 2: Nga Tangata Whenua: page 37  (22 pages)
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Map 5: Approximate location of some hapu interests – east harbour

sake, we will refer to all sections of the tribe as Ngati Pukenga throughout this report. The group’s Tauranga interests were principally at Ngapeke and Rangataua Harbour (together with Nga Potiki and Ngati He), Matapihi, Papamoa, and Katikati. Ngapeke came to be Ngati Pukenga’s main settlement at Tauranga in the second half of the nineteenth century.34

Ngati He’s interests extended from their principal settlement at Maungatapu inland via Otawa and Waoku to Otanewainuku, and they had shared interests at Matapihi and Te Papa. Claimant witness Tai Taikato stated in his evidence that, for as long as Ngati He have

34. Document m2, pp 24–25; doc n21, pp 4–5