Report on the Tauranga Confiscation Claims

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claims. Ngai Tamarawaho presented evidence in support of their claim at Huria Marae in the week starting 7 February 2000.29

(8) Other Ngati Ranginui claims

The raupatu aspects of the following claims which appear to be made by members of hapu of Ngati Ranginui are also reported on:

► Wai 42(b): lodged by Jacqueline Sayers and concerning the actions of the Crown in confiscating Ngati Ranginui tribal land.

► Wai 42(d): lodged by Alex Tata and others on behalf of Ngai Tamarawaho and relating to the confiscation of lot 45, section 1, town of Tauranga.

► Wai 47: lodged by the late William Ohia and others and concerning lands of ‘Ngaterangi, Ngati Ranginui, Ngati Pukenga and related peoples’.

► Wai 360: lodged by Lance Waaka on behalf of the ‘descendants of Anaru Haua’ and concerning land at Judea.

► Wai 580: lodged by Toa Faulkner and others and concerning Otamaha lands.

► Wai 611: lodged by Christopher Tangitu and concerning Mauao and nearby islands, Pukewhanake, and the bed of Tauranga Harbour.

► Wai 853: lodged by Peri Kohu and others on behalf of ‘the Original inhabitants of Tauranga’ and concerning the Tauranga Lands Act 1867.30

We did not receive submissions on behalf of the above listed claimants and little or no specific evidence was presented in support of their claims. However, we have examined the claims and are satisfied that they are covered in general terms by this report. This has been possible because the large amount of generic evidence presented to this Tribunal covers the issues raised in them.31 As we note below, several other claims are in a similar position.

1.4.3 Ngati Pukenga (Wai 637)

Ngati Pukenga (also sometimes known as Te Tawera) are an iwi whose primary claim before the Tauranga Moana Tribunal was filed by Shane Ashby and was designated Wai 637. Issues covered in Ngati Pukenga’s claim include the war, surrender, and raupatu at Tauranga; the Te Puna–Katikati purchase; and the return of land. Evidence in support of Wai 637 was heard on 11 and 12 October 2001 at Te Whetu o Te Rangi Marae.32

29. Claims 1.35, 1.35(a); docs f30, n23

30. Claims 1.1(b), 1.1(d), 1.2, 1.16, 1.27, 1.30. Other claims that appear to be connected to Ngati Ranginui may be reported on after the stage 2 Tauranga inquiry. They include; Wai 86, lodged by Anaru Kohu and others and concerning the Waikareao Estuary expressway; Wai 162, lodged by the late Wiremu Ohia and Buddy Mikaere and concerning the Kopukairoa Telecom site; Wai 208, lodged by Raymond Dillon on behalf of the trustees of Ngati Kahu Trust and concerning the Bethlehem School site; Wai 336, lodged by Des Kahotea and concerning ‘ancestral land’ and the Energy Companies Act 1992; Wai 708, lodged by Hoki Leef-Bruce, Cherri Ake, and Luke Ake on behalf of ‘the Whanau of Hirini’ and concerning Tauranga Harbour. See claims 1.4, 1.5, 1.12, 1.43.

31. See especially docs a2, a7, a8, a13, a18, a22, a23, a29, a38, a39, a40, a57, b2, f14, i12, j1, k3, l1, m9, m11, p15

32. Claims 1.32, 1.32(a); docs m33, n21