Report on the Tauranga Confiscation Claims

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Prologue: page xiii  (6 pages)
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AJHR Appendix to the Journal of the House of Representatives
APL Auckland Public Library
app appendix
ArchNZ National Archives of New Zealand
ATL Alexander Turnbull Library
BPP British Parliamentary Papers: Colonies New Zealand (17 vols, Shannon: Irish University Press, 1968–69)
c circa
ca Court of Appeal
ch chapter
cms Church Missionary Society
comp compiler
DNZB The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography (5 vols, Wellington: Department of Internal Affairs, 1990–2000)
doc document
dosli Department of Survey and Land Information
ed edition, editor
encl enclosure
fn footnote
ha hectare
ia Internal Affairs file
JHR Journal of the House of Representatives
JPS Journal of the Polynesian Society
Le Maori-English lexicon file
ltd limited
ma Maori Affairs file series
ms manuscript
NZJH New Zealand Journal of History
NZLJ New Zealand Law Journal
NZLR New Zealand Law Reports
NZPD New Zealand Parliamentary Debates
olc old land claim
p, pp page, pages
para paragraph
pc Privy Council
pt part
RDB Raupatu Document Bank (139 vols, Wellington: Waitangi Tribunal, 1990)
roi record of inquiry
s, ss section, sections (of an Act)
sec section (of this report, a book, etc)
vol volume
‘Wai’ is a prefix used with Waitangi Tribunal claim numbers Unless otherwise stated, footnote references to claims, papers, and documents are to the record of inquiry, which is in appendix i.