S030. Evidence of David Taipari

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RMA 1137/01 Transit New Zealand : Those parts of the following that relate to the way in which the proposed Waikato Regional Plan addresses the relationship of Maori and their culture and traditions with their waahi tapu and other taonga:

a)         Paragraphs 5.4.14 and 5.4.15;

b)         Paragraph 6.2.3; and

c)         Paragraph 6.2.4.

RMA 1165/01 Carter Holt Harvey Limited:

a) Part 16, appealing Section 5.1.5 except in so far as it appeals condition (h) (suspended solids).

RMA 1166/01 Fletcher Challenge Forests Limited:

a)         That section of the reference headed “ Submission re (LS - 93 and 1-101/99) ” inclusive of the “ Relief Sought ”.

RMA 1168/01 Waihi Gold Company Limited:

a)         Paragraph 4.2 in its entirety.

RMA 1171/01 Ngati Maru Iwi Authority : All those parts of the reference entitled:

a)         “ Water Module ” except that part which appeals Rules to (on-site sewage discharges);

b)         “ River and Lake Bed Module ” except that part which appeals Rules and (bridges) and Rules to (culverts); and

c)         Land and Soil Module”.

Matters Reserved for Future Determination

The remaining parts of the above references which do not relate to the provisions of the proposed plan that are the subject of this order are reserved for future determination.