S030. Evidence of David Taipari

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•             Delete the final listed restricted controlled activity in Areas A and B (Part A of the Concept Plan provisions), which currently reads “Earthworks involving the removal or deposition of more than 1,000 m3 of fill from or on to the site.”

•             Amend Rule 12(a) in Part B - Development Controls of the Concept Plan provisions (Exceptions) so that it reads:

“The rules relating to earthworks as set out in Part 4A of the Plan apply to this site, subject to the additional controls applying to the Limited Earthworks Corridor as shown on Diagram G14-15(4).”

•             Delete Rule 15 in Part B - Development Controls of the Concept Plan provisions (Additional Controls for Earthworks).

•             Replace Rule 2 of Part D – Criteria for Assessing Applications for Resource Consent with the following:

“Earthworks greater than 1 metre in depth below ground level within the Limited Earthworks Corridor as a Restricted Controlled Activity:

Discretion is restricted to and applications will be assessed in terms of any effect on the relationship of tangata whenua and their culture and traditions with wahi tapu on the site, especially wahi whenua and wahi pito.

Conditions may be imposed on consents with regard to any means of avoiding remedying or mitigating any adverse effects of the works on the relationship of tangata whenua and their culture and traditions with wahi tapu on the site especially wahi whenua and wahi pito, and may include but will not be limited to the following matters:

•      A requirement to notify the Council and tangata whenua before any earthworks commence;

•      Supervision of works by a Council appointed archaeologist and tangata whenua representative(s);

•      Control of the manner in which earthworks are undertaken (e.g.: hand digging as opposed to mechanical digging);

•      Limits on the duration of the works;

•      Controls aimed at minimising the physical extent of the works; and

•      Controls aimed at locating the works in a way which minimises their effect on wahi tapu.

Note: See Part E below regarding service of any application.”