S030. Evidence of David Taipari

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Evidence of David Taipari: page 32  (33 pages)
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adverse effects of the new bridge on the cultural and traditional relationship of Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Whanaunga, Ngāti Tamaterā and Ngāti Pāoa with their ancestral waters, wāhi tapu and taonga in and of the Waihou River”. (Attachment 6)

>            Ngāti Maru appeal successful in preventing ship sinking at Mercury Bay. (Attachment 7)


>            Ngāti Maru submission against subdivision at Totara successful in achieving subdivision controls protective of wāhi tapu, and agreement for joint Ngāti Maru - Council ownership of new reserve (including ‘no rates’ agreement). (Attachment 8)

>            Ngāti Maru appeal against subdivision at Opoutere successful in having conditions imposed requiring joint Ngāti Maru - Consent Holder report prior to subdivision certificates being issued. (Attachment 9)

>            Ngāti Maru appeal against subdivision at Pauanui successful in having conditions imposed governing native bush planting in consultation with Ngāti Maru. (Attachment 10)

>            Ngāti Maru appeal against Housing Corporation subdivision at Thames successful in having conditions imposed governing wāhi tapu discoveries in consultation with Ngāti Maru. (Attachment 11)

>            Ngāti Maru appeal against Thames Coromandel District Plan successful in imposing development controls at Totara Valley, for example earthworks controls on restricted discretionary activities where Council’s discretion on granting any consent involves considering “any effect on the relationship of Ngāti Maru and their culture and traditions with their ancestral land, water, sites, wāhi tapu and other taonga”. (Attachment 12)