S030. Evidence of David Taipari

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Evidence of David Taipari: page 30  (33 pages)
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to perform their Kaitiaki role within their rohe.” [Emphasis added].


Tikapa Moana[is] recognised by Tāngata Whenua... for the Hauraki Gulf.”30

“While tāngata whenua have no single name for the [Hauraki] Gulf, the names Tikapa Moana... are recognised as referring to the Gulf.”31

[Emphasis added]

>           AUCKLAND CITY32

“The Council need not serve a copy of any application for earthworks greater than 1 metre in depth below ground level within the Limited Earthworks Corridor on any party other than tāngata whenua.

Advisory note: the tāngata whenua who have been involved in the identification of the Limited Earthworks Corridor comprise Ngāti Paoa, Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Whanaunga and Ngāti Tamatera.”[Emphasis added]


“1. ... any disturbance of earth / soil that result in the movement of more than 1m3 of each / soil in any 12 month period, but not including normal household gardening activities, installing fence posts, or other typical agricultural activities that do not involve the removal or replacement of earth / soil ... within 5 metres of an SPS [sites of Special Significance] is a restricted discretionary activity.

2.         Council’s discretion is restricted to:

(a) Any effect on the relationship of and their culture and traditions with their ancestral land, water, sites, waahi tapu and other taonga.


(c) consultation undertaken with Ngāti Maru

3.         The Council need not serve a copy of any application for disturbance of earth / soil within an SPS or within 5 metres of an SPS on any party other than Ngāti Maru.

Advice Note: If there is any doubt as to whether any proposed disturbance of soil is within an SPS or within 5 metres of an SPS, the person proposing to undertake such works shall consult with Ngāti Maru in that regard.” [Emphasis added]

44.         Again, in stark contrast, the Marutūāhu people are invisible within the RMA statutory instruments for those parts of the Bay of Plenty Region

30                 An extract from Section 6.1 of the Auckland Regional Plan: Coastal.

31 Clause (3), Preamble to Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act 2000.

32 An extract from Plan Change No 149 to the Auckland City District Plan (Isthmus Section).

33 An extract from the Structure Plan for Thames from the Thames Coromandel District Council.