S030. Evidence of David Taipari

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Evidence of David Taipari: page 28  (33 pages)
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to council. Prior to that time the iwi liaison committees reported to council via the Resource Planning Standing Committee.

Each MRRC nominates two (2) of its current iwi members to the Maori Standing Committee of council and this committee reports to full council upon all important matters discussed.

Current (April 2004) membership of the committee comprises

Chairman: J M Cronin (Council Chairman)

Council Nominees: Councillors R Michie, J S Pringle, E Elder, B D Riesterer

11.1   Iwi Nominees

MRRC EAST John Hohapata-Oke (Whakatane), James Doherty (Ngaputahi)
MRRC SOUTH Tony Wihapi (Te Puke), Tai Eru-Morehu (Rotorua)
MRRC WEST Alf McCausland (Tauranga), Elaine Tapsell (Maketu)
Total 11 members (six iwi, five councillors including permanent chairman).

11.2    Role of Committee

•     Plan, strategy, policy development input to all areas of Council activities.

•     Review and comment on statutory legislative changes within prescribed timelines.

•     Provide advice on developments from central point – advocacy of public.

Promote political advocacy to fulfil iwi and community expectations.

Monitor all statutory processes of Environment Bay of Plenty.

•     Actively promote MRRC issues/resolutions to Environment Bay of Plenty.

•     Support all or any iwi initiatives of mutual benefit to council and iwi.

•     Recommend and promote appointment of commissioners consultants etc by council.

•     Support and promote iwi planning documents for council recognition.

Ensure issues pertaining to iwi are referred back to MRRCs.

•     Establish and continually review communications between council and iwi groups.

•     Determine and define tangata whenua policies for council enlightenment.

Encourage iwi input into forms/statutory plans etc. of Environment Bay-of-Plenty.

•     Provide effective advocacy for hapu/iwi matters/affairs/issues if requested by hapu/iwi groups.

•     Define broad MRRC aspirations into practical detail form.

•     Make formal recommendations to council on council activities.

•     Define functional relationship to other councils or other government agencies.

•     Establish procedural benchmarks for hearings etc.

•     Determine appropriate and consistent council policies for addressing iwi concerns.