S030. Evidence of David Taipari

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Evidence of David Taipari: page 26  (33 pages)
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  Nqati Manawa Murupara
  Tuhoe Ruatahuna/Waimana/Ruatoki/Waiohau
  Te Whakatohea Opotiki
  Te Whanau a Apanui Te Kaha
  Te Whanau a Te Ehutu Te Kaha
Horouta Ngati Porou Okaro (Lottins Point)

Chapter 9: He Pitopito Korero A-Iwi- Brief Tribal Resumes

The following profiles present a very brief description of the tribes (iwi) cited in the previous chapter. Readers requiring a more detailed account are invited to contact the iwi representatives directly.

Pare Hauraki is the collective term for all the hapu/iwi resident in and around the Hauraki peninsula. A small part of their territory touches the Bay of Plenty region around Waihi Beach. The relevant hapu/iwi is Ngati Tamatera. Generic contact is to Hauraki Maori Trust Board, 41 Belmont Road (P O Box 33), Paeroa, Telephone 07 862 7521 whereas Ngati Tamatera contact is Te Runanga a Iwi o Ngati Tamatera, P O Box 23, Paeroa, Tel. 07 862 6079.

Chapter 10: Nga Komiti Takawaenga A-Iwi - Iwi Liaison Committees

The Bay of Plenty Regional Council (Environment Bay-of-Plenty) has, after very detailed consultation with iwi of our region, established and continues to maintain three (3) Maori Regional Representation Committees (“MRRCs”), namely MRRC East, MRRC South and MRRC West. By general consensus all committees have agreed to conduct their business at combined hui held quarterly and chaired by Council chairperson.

Current (April 2004) membership of MRRCs as determined by iwi organisations and council follows:

MRRC-EAST Nominee Name Number
Te Runanga o Ngatiawa, Whakatane J Hohapata-Oke One (1) nominee
Tuhoe Waikaremoana Maori Trust Board, Rotorua R Tari One (1) nominee
Whakatohea Maori Trust Board, Opotiki J Hata One (1) nominee
Ngaitai Iwi Authority, Torere W Maxwell One (1) nominee
Te Runanga o Te Whanau, Te Kaha R Gage One (1) nominee