S030. Evidence of David Taipari

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These terms of reference have been developed via discussions with the Combined Tangata Whenua Forum (CTWF) in March and April of 2004.

Section 2 - Combined Tangata Whenua Forum (CTWF)

The CTWF was an integral partner throughout the development of the SmartGrowth strategies and actions. The CTWF will continue on with this partnering relationship during the implementation of the strategy.

Tangata Whenua have a strong understanding of the growth management issues within the western Bay of Plenty sub region.


Section 3 - Tangata Whenua Representation

The CTWF is open to all Iwi and hapu within the western Bay of Plenty sub-region. Tangata Whenua be represented in either one or both of the following Local Authority forum:

The Tauranga Moana Tangata Whenua Collective or

The Western Bay of Plenty District Council Maori Forum.

The following is a list of the current members of the respective forum as at April 2004. Some Iwi and Hapu are represented in both forums because their traditional boundaries extend across both local authorities.

Tauranga Moana Tangata Whenua Collective: Western Bay of Plenty Maori Forum:
Nga Potiki Ngaiterangi Iwi
Ngai Tamarawaho Ngati Makino
Ngai Te Ahi Ngati Pukenga Iwi
Ngai Tukairangi Ngati Ranginui Iwi
Ngaiterangi Iwi Ngati Whakaaue
Ngati Hangarau Ngati Whakahemo
Ngati He Tapuika Iwi
Ngati Kahu Tauranga Moana Trust Board
Ngati Kuku Waitaha-a-Hei
Ngati Pukenga Iwi  
Ngati Ranginui Iwi