S030. Evidence of David Taipari

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Evidence of David Taipari: page 21  (33 pages)
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In these matters, and other matters discussed in our report, we find that Treaty principles of dealing fairly with utmost good faith have been breached, that substantial restitution is due, and that the quantum should be settled by prompt negotiation.”

[Emphasis added]

30.         This Marutūāhu evidence was to have the last substantive word in the Hauraki Report:17

“McPherson and Belgrave go on to refer to the particularly dramatic rise in Maori unemployment in the 1980s, following the Government’s economic restructuring, but also to the signs of improvement in Maori employment statistics in the 1990s. They are reluctant to identify the causes of the improvement but comment ‘It is likely that the declining pace of change after 1993 is a factor’. We consider these comments appropriate. As to historical changes, we accept that it is not possible to be precise as to the relative impact of the Crown’s actions and other factors. We nevertheless consider that the Crown’s land purchase policies undeniably affected Maori socio-economic circumstances and have set out above our reasons for that view.”

[Emphasis added]


31.         These Hauraki Report findings resonate, and find force when combined, with those findings in the Tauranga Moana Raupatu Report confirming the Crown’s Treaty breaches against the Marutūāhu. However, in the Katikati - Te Puna Blocks, the contribution of landlessness to Marutūāhu and Pare Hauraki poverty was more devastating:

>       All Marutūāhu land was taken.

>       There was NO land left for the Marutūāhu.

>       Marutūāhu received no reserves.

>       Marutūāhu were literally wiped off the face of the map.

32.         The Marutūāhu people are still suffering for that today as I will now discuss.

33.         Ms Leanne Boulton has prepared a report entitled A socio-demographic and economic profile of Maori in The Tauranga Inquiry District, 2001

17 Page 1230.