S030. Evidence of David Taipari

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Evidence of David Taipari: page 15  (33 pages)
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•             Takaihuehue (area of 5 acres) Urupa near mouth of a swamp between Atuahu (also known as Te Tuahu) and Waione
•             Te Paewai (area of 5 acres) Tapu puna south-east of Atuahu
•             Tiroa (area of 5 acres) Waterfall in vicinity of urupa south east of Waipapa
•             Tangitu (area of 5 acres) Urupa and lamenting area in the Huruhuru Block

20.       Another important wahi tapu of Marutūāhu and Katikati is Okeru especially the hapu of Te Hira of Ngati Tamaterā.

21.       Other important areas include:

•          Orokawa (Black Jade) - A tapu tapu. The last area to have trees removed in the area. Several trees were found to have platforms of varying sizes including crossovers still attached within the branches. A koiwi was also found wedged between the branches.

•          Ara Rimu - A place for women only.

•          Opotaka - Spring.

•          Nga Uru Kehua - Lake.

•          Papa Kawau - Swamp.

•          Mata Ingia - Face in the hill.

•          Okauri - Point and tauranga waka.

22.       All these areas show our centuries old ongoing relationship and mana whenua in an around Katikati - Te Puna.

23.       It saddens our people immensely that even with all our associations with Katikati over the centuries, the many of thousands of our dead who lie there; the urupa, tapu, kainga, pa and other sites we established and keep the traditions alive counted for nothing. We are no longer there in a tangible way as the Crown have taken these things away from us and, worse, put others there in our place.

24.       Anyone who thinks that the participation of Te Moananui and our other tupuna with the agreements for the Katikati-Te Puna Blocks (that saw Ngai Te Rangi receive over £7,700 and more than 6,000 acres of reserves and Marutūāhu receiving £2160 only) was evidence of their consent, is sadly mistaken. The reality is that our people faced a choice to take up arms against the Crown, and possibly Ngai Te Rangi, or secure what we could.

25.        It was no choice at all. Further, I make these points:

•          After Ongare, the Crown threatened Tararia with the taking of his land.

•          The only reason the Crown did not take military action against Taraia in 1840 is they knew they did not have the necessary numbers and arms and that the Marutūāhu would destroy any trace of European contact in Hauraki.