S030. Evidence of David Taipari

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Evidence of David Taipari: page 13  (33 pages)
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•           The altercation with Tamaterā upon his exodus from Pare Hauraki.

•           The warfare in the 1500s between Marutūāhu and the people of Tauranga Moana with Ranginui who killed Hineurunga.

•           The warfare in 1600s between Marutūāhu and the people of Tauranga Moana who killed Tara.

•           The battle involving Te Kiko and Te Mangapae of Marutūāhu against Tauranga Moana avenging the death of Tara.

•           The battle to rescue Tawhaki by Te Katohau, Te Poporo and Te Tahuri of Moehau, with Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Paoa and Ngāti Whanaunga.

•           Rangitoro of Ngai Te Rangi exhumes the body of the father of Rangitarakea (moko of Tupaea) who was cooked and eaten.

•           The Ngapuhi invasion during the 1820’s saw the evacuation of people along the Eastern seaboard from Tauranga to Whitianga.

•           Takanini Te Moananui exercises rangatiratanga over Ngai Te Rangi in the area in 1823.

•           Te Kihau Te Moananui, uncle of Tanumeha, banishes his nephew Paetuhi to Katikati.

•           Ngāti Hangarau and Pirirakau ask Marutūāhu for rights at Katikati.

•           Taraia agrees, but on conditions.

•           Te Whanake intimidates Paetuhi to not oppose his moves to build kainga.

•           The exhumation of the whanaunga of Taraia, incurring the wrath of Taraia and Ngāti Tamaterā.

•           The sacking of Ongare by Taraia, Takanini, Tukukino, Mokena etc in 1842.

•           Rahui placed at Katikati - Te Puna and beyond by Marutūāhu and agreed to by Ngai Te Rangi. Taraia and Te Moananui name tapu war road “Taraia”. This is, again accepted by Ngai Te Rangi.

•           Discussions are held in 1843 with the Crown concerning the Ongare action.

•           A meeting is held in 1853 with the Crown to discuss land rights of Taraia and his aukati at Katikati.

•           Ngāti Hangarau and Te Whanau o Tauwhao meet with Pukeko and other rangatira of Tamaterā, seeking consent to occupy Te Toki and protect the area and harbour as their kaitiaki.


10.       In the korero of my tupuna and uncles there are some events in respect of which it is helpful to add to, amplify and detail.


11.       Tara was killed on the Waiau River by the people of Tauranga Moana. He was taken to Rereatukahia, and at an unnamed tributary his body was dismembered and his raho removed. In recognition of this action, Tauranga Moana named this stream Te Uretara.

12.       To this day, the tikanga is that Uretara signifies the land boundary between Marutūāhu and Tauranga Moana.