M040. The Native Rights Act

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1865. No. 4. District Courts Act Amendment Act, 1865 Repealed and re-enacted by “The District Courts Act, 1908.”
Repealed Act. Sec. 1 Consolidating Act. (a) Repealed Act. Sec. 5 Consolidating Act Sec. 17 Repealed Act. Sec. 9 Consolidating Act. Sec. 152
2 Sec. 13 6 18 10 136
3 15 7 (b) 11 (d)
4 16 8 (c) 12 Sec. 33

(a) Omitted ; not necessary. (b) Repealed, 1868, No. 49. (c) Omitted; superseded by 1898, No. 28, sec. 4. (d) Repealed, 1870, No. 12.

No. 5. Otago Provincial Public Offices Site Trusts Act, 1865 Repealed, 1878, No. 28.
  6. Panama Mail Service Act, 1865 Repealed, 1.878, No. 28.
  7. Armitage Pension Act, 1865 Repealed, 1891, No. 8.
  8. Audit Act Amendment Act, 1865 Section 2 repealed, 1878, No. 19 ; remainder repealed, 1867, No. 84.
  9. British Companies Act, 1865 Repealed, 1882, No. 35.
  10. Commencement of Acts Act, 1865 Repealed, 1868, No. 81.
  11. Native Rights Act, 1865 Repealed and re-enacted by “The Native Rights Act, 1908.”
Repealed Act. Consolidating Act. Repealed Act. Consolidating Act. Repealed Act. Consolidating Act.  
Sec. 1 Sec. 1 See. 3 (b) Sec. 5 (a)  
2 2 4 Sec. 3      

(a) Omitted ; superseded by “The Native Land Court Act, 1804,” and other Acts.

No. 12. Native Commission Act, 1865 Repealed, 1878, No. 28.
  13. Parliamentary Privileges Act, 1865 Repealed and re-enacted by “The Legislature Act, 1908.”
Repealed Act. Consolidating Act. Repealed Act. Consolidating Act. Repealed Act. Consolidating Act.  
Sec. 1 (a) Sec. 5 Sec. 242 (3) Sec. 8 Sec. 255  
2, 3 (b) 6 252 9 256  
4 Sec. 242 7 254      

(a) Omitted; not necessary. (b) Repealed, 1878, No. 28.

No. 14. West Coast Goldfield Provincial Representation Act, 1865 Repealed, 1878, No. 28.
15. Wellington Hospital Reserves Act, 1865 Repealed, 1885, No. 46.
16. Diseased Cattle Act Amendment Act, 1865 Repealed, 1871, No. 35.
17. Public Domains Act Amendment Act, 1865 Repealed, 1881, No. 26.
18. Marine Board Act Amendment Act, 1865 Repealed, 1878, No. 28.
19. Howard’s Pension Act, 1865 Repealed, 1878, No. 28.
20. Legislative Council Quorum Act, 1865 Repealed, 1891, No. 25.
21. Injuries by. Dogs Act, 1865 Repealed, 1880, No. 24.
22. Railway Offences Act, 1865 Repealed, 1878, No. 28.
23. Outlying Districts Police Act, 1865 Repealed, 1891, No. 8.
24. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Act Amendment Act, 1865 Not repealed.
25. Maori Funds Investment Act, 1865 Repealed, 1886, No. 24.
26. Mining Companies’ Limited Liability Act, 1865 Repealed, 1872, No. 23.
27. Private Estates Bills Act, 1865 Repealed, 1867, No. 17.
28. Building and Land Societies Act, 1865 Repealed, 1878, No. 28.
29. Mayne Pension Act, 1865 Repealed, 1878, No. 28.
30. Prisoners Removal Act, 1865 Repealed, 1873, No. 73.
31. Deeds and Titles Registration Amendment Act, 1865 Repealed, 1868, No. 51.
32. New Plymouth Exchanges Commission Act, 1865 Repealed, 1878, No. 28.
33. Hawke’s Bay Military and Colonial Defence Corps Settle- ment Act, 1865 Repealed, 1878, No. 28.
34. New Provinces Act, 1865 Repealed, 1878, No. 28.
35. Law Practitioners Act Amendment Act, 1865 Repealed, 1882, No. 69.
36. Provincial Constabulary Act, 1865 Repealed, 1878, No. 28.
37. Electric Telegraph Act, 1865 Repealed, 1878, No. 28.
38. Distillation Prohibition Ordinance Amendment Act, 1865 Repealed, 1868, No. 72.
39. Provisional Jury List Act, 1865 Repealed, 1868, No. 49.
40. Post-Office Savings-Bank Act, 1865 Repealed, 1867, No. 77.

Note Nature Rights act repeated by Nature hand act 1909, passed 24 December 1909 came into operation on 31 March 1910.