Hauraki Evidence for the Tauranga Moana Stage II Waitangi Tribunal Claim Hearings

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Brief of Evidence of Terrence John McEnteer on Stage II Issues: page 7  (30 pages)
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surface. The rohe also covers Tikapa Moana, the seaward area of approximately 91,509 square kilometres incorporating all of the foreshore and coastline, most of the Hauraki Gulf to the north of Auckland, the Firth of Thames and parts of the northern Bay of Plenty out to the economic zone of New Zealand.

25. I have a number of maps to illustrate the extent of the Hauraki tribal estate.8 The first map is a 3D place names map and it shows the Hauraki tribal estate I have just spoken about This map and the next two were shown to the Tribunal in the first part of this Inquiry so they are already on the Record of Inquiry.

26. In the second and third maps I have reproduced the Katikati-Te Puna area and various related features from both the Hauraki and Tauranga Inquiry districts via an aerial plan and an oblique perspective. These maps are sourced from French satellite images and represent a more advanced form of photography/mapping to that used with the above satellite photography. The areas which I will identify on these latter two maps, include:

26.1 Matakana Island - the southern reference in our pepeha “Mai Matakana ki Matakana”

26.2 The Katikati and Te Puna Blocks - the earliest surveyed land that also shows the raupatu boundary and the northern most boundary of this Inquiry district;

26.3 Uretara, Te Puna and Ohinemuri - some of the important rivers in the traditional stories of our people relating to Katikati, as detailed in evidence in the first stage of this Inquiry;9

8 Refer map book attached as Annexure “A”.

9 Refer evidence from Hauraki witnesses #M22-M32 and in particular evidence by Rikiriki Kaikura (#M23) and Te Wiremu Mataia (Nicholls) (#M24) from Tauranga Moana Stage 1 Inquiry