Hauraki Evidence for the Tauranga Moana Stage II Waitangi Tribunal Claim Hearings

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Brief of Evidence of Terrence John McEnteer on Stage II Issues: page 6  (30 pages)
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Katikati-Te Puna land were protected. The findings were reported in the Te Raupatu o Tauranga Moana Report.4

21. As the Tribunal will recall, I along with kaumatua and other Hauraki whanau participated in and attended the initial Tribunal conferences and hearings for the Tauranga Moana Stage I Inquiry, including the commencement of those hearings at Huria Marae, the presentation of our evidence at Ngahutoitoi Marae and the presentation of our closing submissions. The Hauraki claimants have participated in and continue to participate in the current Stage II Inquiry, to maintain our interests in this area and to express our concerns regarding key issues which affect our interests and our people.

22. In October 2001 when I last gave evidence in respect of this District, I identified a range of key issues raised by the Wai 100 and Wai 650 claims, affecting our Katikati-Te Puna lands.5 Other Hauraki witnesses also presented evidence on these and other issues, including land confiscation and the failure to provide adequate land reserves.6

23. As identified in my evidence in October 2001, “the return of specific parcels of land such as Crown forests" and “the destruction of sacred places and the acquisition of Maori heritage or cultural property”7 are key issues in our claims and will be addressed in my evidence today.


24. As also noted in my evidence in the Stage I Inquiry, the Hauraki tribal territory covers a land area of about 1,500,000 to 1,850,000 acres or 650,000 to 750,000 hectares in addition to the offshore islands in the Hauraki Gulf. It also covers all that lies beneath the surface, minerals, geothermal resources and hot springs, as well as the forests, farms, settlements sacred areas (sites) and cultural property which are on the

4 (August 2004)

5 Refer para 38, #M29 from Tauranga Moana Stage 1 Inquiry

6 Refer Briefs of Evidence #M22-#M32 from Stage 1 Inquiry

7 supra