Hauraki Evidence for the Tauranga Moana Stage II Waitangi Tribunal Claim Hearings

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Brief of Evidence of Terrence John McEnteer on Stage II Issues: page 5  (30 pages)
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17. At a more practical level the Strategic Blueprint states that we will know we have been successful in achieving these outcomes when we have completed four major tasks:

17.1 When we have ratified “fit for purpose” new governance arrangements for Hauraki by 2011;

17.2 When a Treaty Settlement acceptable to and ratified by Hauraki whanui has been achieved by 2010;

17.3 When a Joint Mandated Iwi Organisation has received the Hauraki share of the Fisheries settlement pursuant to the Maori Fisheries Act 2004; and

17.4 When a multi-focused integrated development plan that addresses the social, cultural and economic aspirations of the whanui into the 21st century is prepared by 2009 and integrated into the new "fit for purpose" governance arrangements by 2011.

18. Of these tasks the Hauraki Maori Trust Board has now been recognised as the Joint Mandated Iwi Organisation for Hauraki valued at approximately $19 million.


19. The Hauraki Maori Trust Board has filed a number of claims on behalf of its constituents. The Hauraki claims (including WAI 100 and related claims) have now been reported in The Hauraki Report published in June 2006. This comprehensive report dealt with many issues raised within the Hauraki hearing district including taonga and waahi tapu.

20. The WAI 650 claim relating to the Tauranga hearing district was filed on behalf of the Trust Board to ensure that the interests of the Hauraki iwi in this part of the rohe and, in particular, our customary land interests in the