Hauraki Evidence for the Tauranga Moana Stage II Waitangi Tribunal Claim Hearings

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Brief of Evidence of Terrence John McEnteer on Stage II Issues: page 4  (30 pages)
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12. The Board holds regular hui throughout the year (including an annual general meeting to present the annual report, financial accounts and review progress) and information is also available through the well used website and newsletters or by request via text or the freephone number.

13. The 2001 Census and the more recent population calculations under the Maori Fisheries Act 2004, indicate that there are approximately 14,000 people of Hauraki descent (unfortunately the 2006 census results are not currently available).

14. I consider it is important at this juncture to note what the Board has achieved for its constituents to date and what the vision is for our future.

15. Since its establishment in 1989 the Board has built a business with net assets of $21.2 million.2 It provides social services, health services, education services, environmental and resource management services, customary fisheries services, and radio broadcasting services to our constituents and other Maori living in the tribal district.

16. Last year the Board consulted its constituents to develop a strategic focus for the future and to obtain their approval to lead the process for building a distinctly Hauraki nation. The result of this consultation and related work is Strategic Blueprint 2006-2012 - "Building the Hauraki Nation, together”,3 which sets out this vision and allowed an opportunity to reflect and review before embarking on a process of change over the next six years. This Strategic Blueprint sets out our vision for nation building which is designed to achieve a Hauraki Nation where our people are: Healthy and Educated; Culturally Rich; Economically Vibrant; Informed and Participating; and Effectively Governed.

2 At 30 June 2005

3 A copy of the Strategic Blueprint is available at www.haurakimaori.co.nz