Hauraki Evidence for the Tauranga Moana Stage II Waitangi Tribunal Claim Hearings

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Brief of Evidence of Terrence John McEnteer on Stage II Issues: page 3  (30 pages)
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7. This year I was elected by the Hauraki whanui as one of the three mandated representatives entrusted to take our issues forward to negotiation and eventual settlement with the Crown. The other two mandated representatives are the Hauraki Maori Trust Board and Russell Karu.

8. My evidence today provides a brief update on the evidence presented in the Tauranga Moana Stage I Inquiry, followed by the presentation of evidence confirming our customary interests in Te Puna-Katikati-Athenree Forest-Waihi area1 and outlining our concerns regarding our taonga and waahi tapu within this area. I will also consider the effect of the enactment of the Protected Objects Amendment Act 2006 and propose an alternative model for the care of our taonga. Finally, I will provide evidence on the current situation relating to the Athenree Forest.

9. In my evidence today I necessarily only cover the tribal interests of the relevant Hauraki iwi within the Te Puna-Katikati-Athenree Forest-Waihi area.


10. As the Tribunal is aware this claim was brought by Toko Renata Te Taniwha on behalf of the Hauraki Maori Trust Board. In my earlier evidence to the Tribunal I explained the background to the Hauraki Maori Trust Board and the iwi that it represents, namely the 12 iwi of Hauraki being Ngati Maru, Ngati Whanaunga, Ngati Tamatera, Ngati Paoa, Patukirikiri, Ngati Hako, Ngati Hei, Ngai Tai, Ngati Tara Tokanui, Ngati Rahiri Tumutumu, Ngati Porou ki Harataunga ki Mataora and Ngati Pukenga ki Waiau.

11. Each iwi is represented on the Board by a Trustee, with elections held every three years. Everyone over 18 years and who is registered on the tribal register, is entitled to vote if they wish to exercise their right to vote.

1 As recognized by the Waitangi Tribunal in Te Raupatu o Tauranga Moana Report (2004)