Hauraki Evidence for the Tauranga Moana Stage II Waitangi Tribunal Claim Hearings

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Brief of Evidence of Terrence John McEnteer on Stage II Issues: page 2  (30 pages)
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1. My name is Terrence John McEnteer.

2. I am of Ngati Maru descent through Te Ngako to Naunau. My whanau is Watana.

3. I have given evidence before the Waitangi Tribunal in respect of the Tauranga Moana Stage I Inquiry in October 2001 and in respect of the Hauraki Inquiry.

4. In my earlier evidence in this Inquiry I advised the Waitangi Tribunal of my qualifications and experience and I confirm that I still have a consultancy business and provide a bicultural service to clients in the area of Treaty claims, environmental resource management and Maori business development. I am a member of the Institute of Directors in New Zealand. At present I hold director or chairman positions on four boards and have previously served as a company director on Capital Coast District Health Board and the State Owned Enterprise Mighty River Power Limited.

5. Since 1992 I have been retained by the Hauraki Maori Trust Board ("the Board") to manage its Treaty of Waitangi claims, principally the WAI 100 claim lodged in 1987, and other specific claims lodged by the Board since then.

6. As the Claims Manager, my role could best be described as that of a project manager. I supervise and direct research and co-ordinate strategy with the Trustees of the Board. I maintain general liaison, secure financial assistance and report to the Board and hui on progress and policy issues related to the Treaty claims.