Hauraki Evidence for the Tauranga Moana Stage II Waitangi Tribunal Claim Hearings

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Brief of Evidence of Terrence John McEnteer on Stage II Issues: page 26  (30 pages)
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care of our taonga and waahi tapu. This lack of protection and involvement has resulted in our dispossession of taonga and the desecration of our waahi tapu and other sacred places.

89. This situation cannot continue and we invite the Crown to take on our suggestions of an alternative method of caring for our taonga and to provide us with a real way to be involved in the care of our waahi tapu and sacred places.

90. We have interests in the Athenree Forest, that have now been recognised by the Waitangi Tribunal for over two years and we have well founded claims in two Inquiry Districts so far, yet we have still not received any acknowledgment, redress or interim relief from the Crown. We have waited too long and we ask the Crown to not delay any longer and seek the return of the Hauraki share of the Athenree Forest.