Hauraki Evidence for the Tauranga Moana Stage II Waitangi Tribunal Claim Hearings

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Brief of Evidence of Terrence John McEnteer on Stage II Issues: page 24  (30 pages)
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and importance of this site and the taonga found there, we consider that it is critical that we are involved in the care and management of this area in order to ensure that our sacred place and the taonga originating from there are cared for appropriately.

80. It is very clear to me that this area is not being appropriately looked after. This is evidenced first in the fact that Hauraki are not involved at all in the care and management of this site, and there also appears to be no intention to involve us in the future.22 Secondly, at the current time there is a lease by the Western Bay of Plenty District Council allowing a farmer to graze the site with a stocking regime that is physically destroying the site and in an area that is not even fenced off.

81. After obtaining information from the Western Bay of Plenty District Council regarding its management of our waahi tapu and the surrounding areas, it appears that, although the Council identified the need to carry out work on the area, it has not been done. Further, there is no indication in the Council’s plan of any intention to undertake meaningful consultation or involvement with Hauraki in respect of the care and management of this area.

82. We do not know what professional advice the Council has obtained to protect our waahi tapu nor what experts they have in their organisation to manage our cultural resource properly.

83. I think it is clear from this information23 and the report of Dr Furey that the Western Bay of Plenty District Council cannot look after this area, therefore serious changes are required to the management of this site, as at the moment, under the Western Bay of Plenty District Council control it is being systematically destroyed.

84. In addition, as a first step, a relevant and appropriate management plan could be implemented for the better care and protection of this site so as

22 According to the Katikati Ward Reserves Plan annexed and marked “D

23 Refer annexure “D