Hauraki Evidence for the Tauranga Moana Stage II Waitangi Tribunal Claim Hearings

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Brief of Evidence of Terrence John McEnteer on Stage II Issues: page 23  (30 pages)
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74.14 Any replicas or images of taonga used commercially in museum shops or sold are done with our agreement and on a shared royalty or shared equity basis.

75. As with any model there will always be details to refine such as in some museum collections it may be challenging to establish the Hauraki taonga. In the case of existing museum collections acquired prior to April 1976 or indeed taonga tuturu found post 1976 there may be some instances where shared or joint ownership with a neighbouring iwi is appropriate because of the overlapping or shared customary land interests.

76. In most cases custodial arrangements would be agreed with a museum or university but they could also be with an archaeologist or private collector who has for the time being the taonga in their custody.


77. Turning now to waahi tapu or sacred places. Dr Furey has provided evidence regarding the Te Kauri Point historical reserve which contains one of our most sacred pa and waahi tapu.

78. This is indicated in our final map, which I will now refer to. This map is a close up aerial photographic map of the Te Kauri Point area (taken in 2004). The area I am referring to is the pa, the waahi tapu and swamp enclosure (which contains taonga) on the south side of the jetty at Te Kauri Point. I have also indicated on the map, the archaeological sites referred to in Dr Fureys’ evidence which are also located within the Te Kauri Point historical reserve.

79. Dr Furey’s evidence indicates that these sites provided an internationally importance collection of combs and other taonga. While I understand the particular excavation that uncovered these taonga has not been completely reported on, it is still very clear from Dr Furey’s evidence that the taonga uncovered at the site are very significant. Given the location