Hauraki Evidence for the Tauranga Moana Stage II Waitangi Tribunal Claim Hearings

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Brief of Evidence of Terrence John McEnteer on Stage II Issues: page 21  (30 pages)
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experience here and overseas and I consider it is in keeping with sustaining our sense of identity, rangatiratanga and obligations in terms of kaitiakitanga. The key aspects of this model are:

74.1 All clearly identified Hauraki taonga currently held in museums in New Zealand found prior to 1976 would be transferred to Hauraki tribal ownership;

74.2 Similarly taonga tuturu found since 1976 originating from Hauraki customary lands would be transferred to our ownership;

74.3 The museums would remain responsible for the care, maintenance and preservation of our taonga in consultation with Hauraki;

74.4 Custodial arrangements would be negotiated from time to time with the present holder of the taonga and would respect Hauraki tikanga, lore and practices;

74.5 Different categories or types of taonga may require different or graduated custodial arrangements particularly when considering the outreach arrangements for taonga to be regularly returned to marae;

74.6 Taonga discovered from 2006 in our customary lands whether in private or public ownership would be transferred to Hauraki ownership forthwith and the appropriate custodial arrangements negotiated with museums. Some may need to be conserved, stabilized and protected through the application of scientific or cultural techniques;

74.7 Selected taonga carvings housed in the museums to be returned to Hauraki marae or other suitable places after we have been funded and up skilled to carve replica carvings which may remain in the museum;