Hauraki Evidence for the Tauranga Moana Stage II Waitangi Tribunal Claim Hearings

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Brief of Evidence of Terrence John McEnteer on Stage II Issues: page 10  (30 pages)
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35. The forest is 1312.2457 hectares in area, ft comprises 5 lots in one plan on DPS 56705 and another 5 lots on another plan being DPS 56706. The 5 parcels of land or lots on DPS 56706 comprising 357.9763 hectares are located within the Hauraki Inquiry district. The 5 parcels on DPS 56705 comprising 954.2694 hectares are located in the Tauranga Inquiry district. The Athenree Forest therefore spans both Inquiry districts. The 357.9763 hectares (DPS 56706) in the Hauraki Inquiry District were originally part of the Ohinemuri Blocks and the 954.2694 hectares within the Tauranga Inquiry District were part of the Katikati Block, These blocks are shown on the first Athenree Forest map.

36. From the maps, you will see why we refer to the Athenree Forest as a Hauraki forest. Most of the forest naturally slopes northwards down towards Waihi and the sea, as this can be seen from the next two 3D maps looking inland across Athenree Forest to Mt Te Aroha. Both 3D maps are taken from a viewing position just about on the confiscation line. The first view is a wider situational view from Nga Kuri a Wharei and clearly shows the forests sloping north east. I have marked Te Aroha and Hikurangi. The second view is a closer up view of the forest showing SH 2 in red running left to right and the forest roads in brown.

37. Athenree is a state forest which corries within the scope of the Crown Forestry Rental Trust and to 31 March 2006, the Trust was holding on trust $1,772,679 in respect of this Forest and the current yearly rental received is $41,555 per annum.13

38. As noted in my earlier evidence, the Crown Forest Licence contains requirements to protect waahi tapu, and in the past a kaitiaki taonga group was formed consisting of Hauraki kaumatua. Under this arrangement, a number of our kaumatua generally advised Carter Holt Harvey where waahi tapu are located so as to avoid damaging them in the logging operations. Our kaumatua also carried out certain

13 Crown Forestry Rental Trust Report to Appointors 2005 - 2006