Hauraki Evidence for the Tauranga Moana Stage II Waitangi Tribunal Claim Hearings

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Brief of Evidence of Terrence John McEnteer on Stage II Issues: page 9  (30 pages)
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30. The third map is a coloured aerial photographic map which is a composite of the latest aerial photography taken by the Environment Waikato Regional Council (flown in 2002) and the Bay of Plenty Regional Council (flown in 2004). This map provides an up to date view of the situation at that time. In the electronic version of this map we are able to drill down into the map or enlarge it to get greater detail of any feature, should that be required.

31. The fourth map is a tangata whenua map which shows our marae, Maori reserves, waahi tapu, and old pa sites as well as archaeological sites (for example midden and pits) just north and south of the confiscation line and the Tribunal inquiry district boundary. I have also shown the three Te Kauri Point Historic Reserves. The Te Kauri Point Pa (south of jetty) and waahi tapu is located within a 5.4 hectare Historic Reserve which was formally set up in 1982.11

32. The fifth map is a land ownership map that shows present day property boundaries. For our purposes I have just shown the broad categories of Crown owned land and privately owned land.


33. We have already presented in the first stage of the Tauranga Inquiry, evidence regarding our interests in the Athenree Forest. This has been recognised by the Waitangi Tribunal and will not be repeated here12. The following issues are however of relevance to this Stage II Inquiry.

34. There are three new Athenree Forest maps. The first map using the colour aerial photography from the Regional Councils shows in great detail the Athenree Forest and the location of each lot. You will note the confiscation line. Clearly evident are the nearby Hauraki reserves of Ngati Tamatera, Ngati Koi and Ngati Rahiri reserves.

11 Refer New Zealand Gazette 1982 page1179, SO 50939

12 Refer in particular chapters 2 and 13 in Te Raupatu o Tauranga Moana Report (2004)