K003a. The Katikati-Te Puna Reserves

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K003a. The Katikati-Te Puna Reserves: page 48  (53 pages)
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Reserve name and size LOT 52 & 53, PARISH OF TE PUNA 265 acres
LINZ index reference: 1K 269 Crown Grant ref. 2GK 134
Date of grant: 5 January 1869, antevested to 10 July 1866
Features of Grant: No restrictions, surveyed by A. C. Turner Granted under the New Zealand Settlements Act 1863; New Zealand Settlements Amendment and Continuance Act 1865
Owners: Te Makaka, Te Puru, Patuhoe
Other lands awarded: Te Makaka: Whakamarama No. 1; Te Maire No. 1; Parish of Te Puna No. 187 & 188 Te Puru: Motuhoa Island; Parish of Te Mania No. 45; Parish of Te Mania No. 33, 35, 46 & 47; Parish of Te Puna No. 9; Parish of Te Mania No.37 & 38; Parish of Te Puna No. 187 & 188 Patuhoe: Parish of Te Puna 187 & 188; Otawa No. 1
Transaction deed refs: K1 199, 379k
Date and price: 1 September 1868 Conveyance £83.5.0
Vendor/s: Te Makaka and others – Te Puru, Patuhoe [Te Thou, sic]
Purchaser/Lessee: R. J. Gill
Interpreter: Gilbert Mair
Witness/es: Captain Tunks, Cliff Cottage, Tauranga
Solicitor: W. H. Kissling
Approved by: Philip Harrington, J. P., 6 October 1868