K003a. The Katikati-Te Puna Reserves

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K003a. The Katikati-Te Puna Reserves: page 20  (53 pages)
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Reserve name and size LOTS 20/23 PARISH OF TE MANIA 100 acres*
LINZ index reference: 1K 81 Crown Grant ref. 2GK 110
Date of grant: 5 January 1869, antevested to 10 July 1866
Features of Grant: No restrictions, surveyed by A. C. Turner Granted under the New Zealand Settlements Act 1863; New Zealand Settlements Amendment and Continuance Act 1865
Owners: Hohepa Hikutaia; Meriania / Meriania McMillan
Other land awarded: Hohepa Hikutaia: Matapihi No. 2; Kaimai No. 1; Waitaha No. 2; Maungatapu No. 1; Purakau No. 1; Otuawahia No. 1; Parish of Te Papa No. 17; Parish of Te Puna No. 158; Parish of Tahawai No. 6; Wharawhara No. 3; Hungagungatoroa No. 1; Awaiti; Tuingara; Parish of Tahawai No. 3; Te Maire No. 2; Parish of Te Puna No. 164; Waikorire; Otawa No. 1; Puwhariki; Mahiwahine; Parish of Te Puna No. 191; Te Karewa Merania/Meriana McMillan: Parish of Te Mania 20 & 23; Parish of Te Mania No. 68 Meriana Rangihau: Parish of Te Papa No. 453; Parish of Te Papa No. 91
Transaction deed refs: K2 46, 1917k
Date and price: 25 April 1877 Lease See below
Vendor/s: Hohepa Hikutaia
Purchaser/Lessee: William Kelly, settler, Oropi
Interpreter: John C. Young
Witness/es: H. W. Brabant, Resident Magistrate, Opotiki
Solicitor: Not recorded
Approved by: T. M. Haultain, Trust Commissioner, 31 May 1877
Comments: * Lot 20 = 54 acres; Lot 23 = 46 acres. Terms of lease: 5 years, £10 per annum; Lessee given the option of buying at 15 shillings per acres after expiry of lease.