K003a. The Katikati-Te Puna Reserves

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K003a. The Katikati-Te Puna Reserves: page 18  (53 pages)
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Reserve name and size LOT 19, PARISH OF TAHAWAI 30 acres
LINZ index reference: 1K 499 Crown Grant ref. 5GK 47
Date of grant: 25 September 1879, antevested to 1 November 1866
Features of Grant: No restrictions, surveyed by E. C. Goldsmith Granted under the Tauranga District Lands Act 1867
Owners: Timi Te Rua
Other lands awarded: Paretata No. 1; Parish of Tahawai No. 9; Mangatotara No. 1; Te Karewa; Te Awa o Tukorako No. 2;Te Awa o Tukorako No. 2A; Te Hopai; Kaimai No. 1; Kaimai No. 2; Te Awa oTukorako No. 2
Deed register refs: K2 482, 2334k
Date and price: 2 February 1876 Conveyance £10.0.0
Vendor/s: Timi Te Rua
Purchaser/Lessee: Danieal Sellars, Master Mariner, Tauranga
Interpreter: Abraham Warbrick
Witness/es: J. M. Roberts, Resident Magistrate, Tauranga
Solicitor: Not recorded
Approved by: T. M. Haultain, Trust Commissioner, 24 November 1879