M022. Statement of Evidence of Toko Renata Te Taniwha

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M022. Statement of Evidence of Toko Renata Te Taniwha: page 8  (8 pages)
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36.       To this day, this fiction of our rohe ending at Waihi continues. Sadly, it seems, even in the office of the Waitangi Tribunal.

37.       We have been told on several occasions now that the inquiry boundaries of the Tribunal are mainly set for administrative reasons and should not be taken to represent the mana whenua mana moana of the various tribes. We have been told this in relation to the Tauranga Inquiry boundaries, the Hauraki Inquiry boundaries and the likely Tamaki Inquiry boundaries. Yet, when our old people want to hold this hearing at a Marae of our choosing, we are told that we have to have the hearing in “the Tauranga boundaries”.


38.       As is clear that the strongest interests of the Marutuahu at Katikati - Te Puna lie with Ngati Tamatera. However, the rest of the Marutuahu also have interests including Ngati Whanaunga.

39.       That is why our Ngati Whanaunga tupuna Te Ruihana and my great grandfather Kitahi Te Taniwha were named in the forced sale agreement.


40.       In our claims and in all things, Te Kupenga Nui o Hauraki binds all of the iwi to the land and the sea. In these claims we have come together as Marutuahu and Pare Hauraki. I am pleased at this because I know that all of the iwi in Hauraki can whakapapa to Marutuahu, Ngati Whanaunga and me. As our whakatauki says:

He nui nga kai kei runga i a Moehau

Me he tangata koe whai mai.

There is much food at the peak of Moehau

If you are a person you should come.