M022. Statement of Evidence of Toko Renata Te Taniwha

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M022. Statement of Evidence of Toko Renata Te Taniwha: page 7  (8 pages)
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29.      In response to the notification, a number of groups opposed the notification, including people of Tauranga Moana and Mataatua. Some of these groups appear to claim mana moana over the southern parts of our notification areas.

30.      Under the Regulations, there is no effective mechanism to ensure that a resolution is achieved between tangata whenua seeking to establish rohe moana and any opponents. Consequently, the Trust Board made contact with all groups in opposition to meet face to face and attempt to resolve the issues.

31.      On 5 September 2001, I, and others of Hauraki attended a hui at Rereatukahia Marae at Katikati with kaumatua of Tauranga Moana and Mataatua Whanui.

32.      At this hui, the issues of Mataatua with our notification were raised. We agree that our respective (Tainui) southern and (Mataatua) northern boundaries are symbolically marked by Nga Kuri a Wharei, with the actual land boundary being in the Katikati area. What we do not agree on is the location of Nga Kuri a Wharei. Of real concern to me was the incredible claims by some who should know better that Nga Kuri a Wharei resides at Tairua, or even at Moehau.

33.      I believe part of this very unfortunate position originates from the acts of the Crown at Katikati-Te Puna. Not only have the Crown taken that which is ours, but it has made the situation worse by putting our Tauranga Moana relations onto our land and created new hara aggravating an often sensitive relationships with them.

34.      Moreover, as a result of this, in the minds of many people today, the rohe of Tauranga Moana extends to Waihi Beach or even Waihi township. Such a distortion of reality is the direct result of alienation by raupatu of Marutuahu and Pare Hauraki from our ancestral lands at Katikati - Te Puna.

35.      It is, perhaps, understandable that some may not see as having mana whenua at Katikati because we are simply not seen there on the land. Why is that? Simply because the Crown forced us away and put others there.