M039. Pai Marire, The Niu at Kuranui

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M039. Pai Marire, The Niu at Kuranui: page 29  (36 pages)
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While Civil Commissioner Clarke was aware of tribal animosities, his main concern was to protect “ loyal ” Arawa and establish firm Government control in the Tauranga district. He continued his report of 13 April 1865 (AJHR E4, 1865, pp.26-27):

From information derived from many different sources, it is evident that a hostile movement is in contemplation by the Waikato and their confederates, against the Arawa; which if carried out, will inevitably involve many of Ngaiterangi Hapus.

The success of Kereopa and Patara on the East Coast, on the one hand; and the apparent inaction of the Government on the other, is producing a most baneful effect upon the Natives in this neighbourhood. The Pai Marire party are exulting, and say to our friends, “ There it has happened just as we have told you. The Hau Hau God has paralysed the efforts of the Pakeha: they cannot avenge the death of Mr Volkner, they are fleeing before him. ”

Although many have ostensibly given up the Pai Marire worship, it has only been from fear of the consequences to themselves, on account of the close proximity of the troops. I will venture to predict that should the troops be removed from Tauranga, while the present feeling exists it would be untenable, twenty four hours after the ships left the harbor, for any Europeans…

Many of the Natives of this District especially those closely connected with the Patetere and William Thompson ’ s people have again left for their inland Kaingas, so that (it is reported) they can practice their Pai Marire worship unmolested. Under these circumstances I have thought it advisable to caution the surveyors against carrying on surveys in that neighbourhood.

In every respect we are in a most unsatisfactory state.

The acts of the Pai Marire Natives on the East Coast, and the evident satisfaction evinced by the Pai Marire professors every where at the fearful Opotiki Tragedy; and the discomfiture of the Europeans on the East Coast, show the real state of mind of the bulk of the Native population. They firmly believe that the Pakeha will be driven into the sea.