M039. Pai Marire, The Niu at Kuranui

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M039. Pai Marire, The Niu at Kuranui: page 28  (36 pages)
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Ko wai te iwi e kōrerotia kinotia nei?

Ko te Arawa māngai nui.

He aha tōno kino?

He tohe nōna ki te whakatutū ki te taha Māori

He aha te take e kaha ai ki te whakatutū i te taha Māori?

He pati moni, he pati kai

He aha tōna hē e kitea nei e ngā iwi?

Ko t ō na pakanga ki te patu i ngā iwi i Te Awa-o-te-Atua

Tēnā tētahi?

Ko te kōhurutanga i a Te Āporotanga

Tēnā tētahi?

Ko tōna whakaī ki te hopu huhua kore i te ariki o Tauranga, i a Hori Tūpaea.

Meatia e mutu ai ēnei hē?

Me whakahoki pai mārire a Te Arawa ki tōna tupunga mai ki Hawaiki

Who are the people that speak words of evil?

The big-mouthed Arawa

Wherein does their evil lie?

They urge insistently violence and mischief among

the Maori people.

For what reason do they persist in this mischief?

They are bribed with money, they are bribed with food.

What was their sin in the eyes of the tribes?

They made war upon and slew the people of the


What was another of their evil deeds?

The murder of Te Aporotanga.

And another?

They surrounded and unjustly seized the high chief of Tauranga, Hori Tupaea.

What can be done to end these evils?

The Arawa should be returned peacefully to the fatherland whence they came, to Hawaiki.

(Te Aporotanga was the Whakatohea chief captured in the Kaokaoroa battle near Matata in 1864 and shot by Tohi Te Ururangi’s widow in revenge for the death of her husband.)