M038. The Maori Messenger

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M038. The Maori Messenger: page 13  (13 pages)
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Finally,—I must congratulate you on the vast progress in civilization which your people have yet made under the protection of the Queen. Cannibalism has been exchanged for Christianity; Slavery has been abolished ; War has become more rare; Prisoners taken in war are not slain; European habits are gradually replacing those of your ancestors of which all Christians are necessarily ashamed. The old have reason to be thankful that their sunset is brighter than their dawn, and the young may be grateful that their life did not begin until the darkness by that light which is the glory of all civilized Nations.

Earnestly praying that God may grant His blessing on your deliberations and guide you in the right path, I leave you to the free discussion of the subjects I have indicated, and of any others you may think likely to promote the welfare of your Race.



His Excellency then withdrew to an adjoining hall, accompanied by His Honor the Superintendent of the Province, Colonel Sillery, Colonel Mould, and the members of Executive Council. Mere he held a [illegible_text] at which all the Chiefs named above mere presented to him by the Native Secretary.

me tupato hoki kei pehia te tika e ta whakaaro o te hunga poauau, kei raru hoki te whenua katoa i te ture kore, i te he, i runga i te mahi wairangi a etahi tangata whakaaro pohehe.

He kupu whakamutunga tenei, he manaakitanga naku ki to koutou tupu nui i runga i nga tikanga o te maramatanga i roto i te takiwa e noho ana koutou ki raro i te whakamarumaru o Te Kuini. Ko te kai tangata kua kore, ko te Whakapono tona whakakapi; ko te hopu tangata hei herehere kua mahue; konga whawhai kua iti haere ; ko nga herehere mau i te whawhai kahore e parua inaianei. Ko nga ritenga Pakeha e tangohia ana hei whakakapi mo nga ritenga a o koutou tupuna e whakamatia ana e te hunga Karaitiana. Ko nga koroheke ka whai take whakapainga atu ki Te Atua mo to ratou ahiahi ka marama, kihai hoki i marama to ratou ata: ko nga taitamariki me whakapai atu ki Te Atua, mo ratou ka timata te ora ki te ao nei i te takiwa kua ngaro te pouritanga i tau ki o mua whakatupuranga, kua ngaro hoki i te marama nui e matapoporetia nei e nga Iwi mohio katoa o te ao.

He iuoi pono taku ki Te Atua kia tukua mai e Ia Tana manaakitanga ki runga i a koutou ka runanga nei, mana hoki e arahi na te huarahi tika.

Na, ka waiho koutou ki konei korerorero ai i nga mea kua whakaaria e au ki a koutou, i era atu mea ranei e kitea e koutou hei mea e tupu ai te pai ki te Iwi Maori.


Na te Kawana.

No te mutunga o tana korero ka haere ain ia he whare ke, ratou ko ana hoa, ko te Huparitene, ko Kanara Hirere, ko Kanara Moura, ko etahi hoki rangatira o te Kawanatanga. Na ka haere ata te whakaminenga nei ki te ru ki a Kawana : ka ru tena tangata rena tangata, a poto noa.