M038. The Maori Messenger

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M038. The Maori Messenger: page 10  (13 pages)
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subjects which makes it impossible that the Maori people should be unjustly dispossessed of their lands or property. Every Maori is a member of the British Nation; he is protected by the same law as his English fellow subject; and it is because you are regarded by the Queen as a part of her own especial people that you have heard from the lips of each successive Governor the same words of peace and goodwill. It is therefore the height of folly for the New Zealand tribes to allow themselves to be seduced into the commission of any act, which by violating their allegiance to the Queen, would render them liable to forfeit the rights and privileges which their position as British subjects confors upon them evils ending only in their ruin as a race.

13. It is a matter of solicitude to Her Majesty; as well as to many of your friends in England and in this country, that you should be preserved as a people. No unfriendly should be allowed to grow up

rani, ka mea ratou e he ana te tikanga pera ki nga tangata whenua, e tika ka ana boki i te Whakapono, Whakapuakina ana o ratou whakaaro mo tenei mea ki te Runauga Nui o Ingarani, na, ka mea nga tino kaiwhakatakoto whakaaro o Te Kuini kia whakaputaia ketia te tikanga ki nga tangata whenua o nga motu katoa e nohoia ana e o Ingarani tangata. Ko Niu Tirani te whenua tuatahi kua nohoia i runga i tenei tikanga hou, whakaora tangata. Ko te whakaaro nui mo te Iwi Maori me awhi mai ki tenei tikanga atawhai, ma koua hoki ora ai ratou i nga be kua tau ki runga ki clahi Iwi kihai i pera me ratou te waimarie. Na to koutou awhitanga mai e Te Kuini hei tamariki mana, na konei i kore rawa ai e ahei te Iwi Maori to pana he i runga i tona whenua, tona taonga ranei te tango pokanoa. He wahi no te Iwi o Ingaraui nga tangata Maori katoa, tenei tangata tenei tangata, a, tona kai-tiaki, koia ko taua ture tahi e tiakina nei tona hoa, tangata o Ingarani. Ko te take hoki tenei i riterite ai nga kupu mo te rangimarie mo te pai kua korerotia ki a koutou e nga Kawana katoa, ara, ko koutou e tirohia mai ana e Te Kuini he taha no tona Iwi ake. No konei i meatia ai ko tona tino mahi poauau tenei kia tahuri nga Iwi o Niu Tirani ki te whakawai mo ratou, kia anga ki tetahi mahi e mutu ai to ratou piri ki a Te Kuini. Kei wehea hoki, na, kua kore nga tikanga e whakawhiwhia nei ratou inaianei i runga i te honouga ki te Iwi o Ingarani, tona tukunga iho hoki, ko nga tini kino ka tau ki runga ki to Iwi Maori, a, te ngaromanga e ngaro rawa ai.

13. Kotahi tenei mea e luahiatia nuitin ana e te whakaaro o Te Kuini, o o koutou tini hoa aroha hoki ki Ingarani, ki tenei whenua ano hoki;