S055. Statement of Evidence by Dr Caroline Phillips

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S055. Statement of Evidence by Dr Caroline Phillips: page 3  (24 pages)
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Places Trust1. At that time 9 new archaeological sites were recorded on the hills within the property and a further 3 adjacent to the boundary, the major pa of Hikotawatawa, which is partially within the property, having been recorded previously.

3.1.1 The sites were briefly described, but only the pa were mapped. Hikotawatawa was mapped in detail at this time, while others such as U14/1660 were very sketchily planned. Material for dating purposes was retrieved from Hikotawatawa pa, which showed that it had been occupied over at least a period of 200-300 years. The fortifications had also been rebuilt on at least one occasion2.

3.0 1999 - Bowers Archaeological Assessment

3.2.1 Lynda Bowers conducted an archaeological assessment as part of the landuse consent applications by Fulton Hogan, to extend their quarrying operations3.

3.2.2 Bowers undertook a day field inspection, when she relocated all the 10 previously recorded sites on the property and identified 7 areas where there was a likelihood of buried archaeological features.

3.2.3 In her report Bowers included a review of the literature (although the references were not included in my copy), the current condition of the recorded sites and the possible threat to each through logging and quarrying. She advised that an authority from the Historic Places Trust would be needed before (i) the pine trees were felled (this would affect 4 sites and 2 areas between them where there might also be sites) and (ii) the proposed quarrying (this would affect pa U14/1810 and the area immediately to the south, which might contain archaeological features). Bowers included a location map, an aerial photograph with dots marking the sites and enclosed copies of the original Site Record Forms.

1 Bowers 1999a:2.

2 Gumbley 1999