S055. Statement of Evidence by Dr Caroline Phillips

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S055. Statement of Evidence by Dr Caroline Phillips: page 19  (24 pages)
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Nga Potiki Resource Management Unit

1999. Fulton Hogan Resource Consent Application - Poplar Lane Quarry. Statement of submission by Nga Potiki Resource Management Unit. IN Western Bay of Plenty District Council 1999, Appendix C27.

Nga Potiki Resource Management Unit

2000. Fulton Hogan Resource Consent application – notice of appeal.

Ngaiterangi Iwi Incorporation

1999. Resource consent Fulton Hogan Ltd. Submission in relation to resource consent application. IN Western Bay of Plenty District Council 1999, Appendix C28.

Phillips, Caroline

1999a. Archaeological monitoring of test pits on Lot 6 Kairua Road, Tauranga. Unpub. report for Tauranga District Council.

1999b. Assessment of damage to Tamapahore Pa, Papamoa, Tauranga. Unpub. report for Tauranga District Council.

1999c. Stabiltisation & mitigation of Tamapahore Pa, Papamoa, Tauranga. . Unpub. report for Tauranga District Council.

Phillips, Ken

1999a. Archaeological field inspection and assessment of effects from proposed expansion stages 1, 2, 3 and 7 Poplar Lane Quarry, Papamoa. Unpub. report prepared for Fulton Hogan Limited.

1999b. Statement of evidence in the matter of the Resource Management Act and applications by Fulton Hogan Limited for resource consents for a quarry at Poplar Lane, Papamoa.

1999c. Archaeological investigation report, Authority no. 1998/114. Unpub. report prepared for C. Winch.

2000. Archaeological survey Fulton Hogan Ltd Poplar Lane Quarry Papamoa. Unpub. report prepared for Fulton Hogan Limited.

Simmons, Alexy NZ Historic Places Trust

1999. Statement of submission by the NZ Historic Places Trust. IN Western Bay of Plenty District Council 1999, Appendix C32.

Waitaha a Hei Research Team

2000. Notice of appeal under section 121 of the Resource Management Act 1991.