S055. Statement of Evidence by Dr Caroline Phillips

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S055. Statement of Evidence by Dr Caroline Phillips: page 14  (24 pages)
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sites, landscape and waterways in the area as a whole is not so great that the integrity has been lost or even severely compromised.

6.0 The importance of these sites to tangata whenua has been briefly discussed in the assessments. Kahotea has argued elsewhere about the number of associations of different iwi and hapu with the area21.

6.5.1 Throughout these investigations at Poplar Lane Quarry the archaeology and tangata whenua reports have been kept separate. Although it is appropriate for both to argue according to their own areas of expertise and knowledge, there are circumstances relating to particular sites, practices, and areas where it is important for both to come together to properly assess the heritage value.

6.1 The clarity of a number of the sites, their large size, the continuing knowledge of the traditions and the archaeological understandings based on the investigations along the dunes and the more limited work on the hills means that this is could be a very valuable place for educational purposes. This is further enhanced by the closeness to major populations at Tauranga, Te Puke and Papamoa Beach, and the fact that it is on a major transport route. Finally, the development of the Papamoa Hills cultural landscape reserve, which includes part of this property, would result in a conservation plan to better preserve the area’s heritage for the future.


7.1 The Resource Management Act and Historic Places Act require an assessment of effects, and if there are adverse effects require a discussion on the possibility to avoid, remedy or mitigate those adverse effects.

21 Fredericksen et al. 1996.