S055. Statement of Evidence by Dr Caroline Phillips

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S055. Statement of Evidence by Dr Caroline Phillips: page 11  (24 pages)
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mitigate adverse effects, (iii) the value of the sites to iwi should have been sought and been part of the evaluation, (iv) it did not show the location or details of the test pits, and (v) did not consider any other subsurface testing methods.

1.8 2001 - Historic Places Trust Authority

1.8.1 On 22nd May the Historic Places Trust granted an authority (2001-02) to Fulton Hogan Limited to modify or damage pa site U14/1810 at the Poplar Lane Quarry. This authority required certain conditions to be met, including: (i) an archaeological investigation should take place involving the recording, measuring, sampling and analysing of the remains encountered, (ii) archaeological work should be “undertaken in conformity with any cultural protocols or monitoring requirements advised by tangata whenua” (iii) if artefacts (taonga) or human remains (koiwi) are found the Historic Places Trust and tangata whenua need to be consulted, (iv) a report is compiled to the satisfaction of the Historic Places Trust and tanagata whenua, and (v) the Site Record Form is updated.

1.8.2 Note that the more detailed suggestions that Phillips made in 1999 concerning the excavation along the spur outside the defences, and adopting a research design to answer questions about the evolution and design of peripheral pa were not explicitly mentioned. However, the authority is very general in its conditions, and the Historic Places Trust can require an excavation proposal under section 17 of the Historic Places Act.


4.1 There are 18 recorded sites within the quarry property and one on the boundary which may extend into the property. The plans, descriptions, locations and extent of all the sites, except U14/1662, are shown in Phillips 2000 report.