S056. Opening Submissions of Counsel for the Marutūāhu Claimants

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S056. Opening Submissions of Counsel for the Marutūāhu Claimants: page 3  (5 pages)
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6.It is also noted that none of the Tribunal’s findings confirming the customary interests of the Marutūāhu tribes at Te Puna - Katikati were challenged in the Raupatu Report’s ‘Minority Opinion’.


7.The Marutūāhu tribes are in a unique position at the Stage 2 inquiry - for they received no reserves from the Crown’s coerced acquisition of the Te Puna - Katikati blocks, nor received the wāhi tapu reserves promised by the Crown:9

“This disparity between the relatively large reserves awarded to the Ngāi Te Rangi chiefs and the virtually non-existent reserves awarded to Marutūāhu and the Ngāti Ranginui hapu is clear evidence of a failure to treat Maori equally according to their customary rights in Te Puna-Katikati.” [Emphasis added]

8.While Ngāti Ranginui received very little, the Marutūāhu tribes received no reserves at Te Puna - Katikati.10

9.The utter landlessness of the Marutūāhu people in that part of our rohe encompassed by the Tauranga Moana inquiry district set the platform for social, cultural and spiritual deprivation into the 20th and 21st centuries. This has taken the form of:

>Loss of resources, especially land.

>Loss of ability to fully undertake kaitiaki responsibilities for the taonga of the Marutūāhu people, especially wāhi tapu.

>Wiping us off the face of the earth in this part of our rohe in the minds of many, especially local and central government.

>Socio-economic deprivation as a result of all these factors. EVIDENCE

10.Evidence will be given on behalf of the Marutūāhu claimants by:

>Mr David Taipari.

>Mr William Peters.

>Mr Tewi Nicholls.

9Section 7.8 (page 200) - Raupatu Report.

10See, for example section 7.8 (page 200) - Raupatu Report.