S028. Statements of Evidence

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Statement of Evidence of Te Awanuiārangi Black: page 8  (10 pages)
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Hapü and Iwi Mana and Affiliations

10. The nature of tribal affiliation is dynamic, and the contemporary situation is not necessarily a true reflection of the traditional context. There was often much fluidity in affiliation, though people usually had a primary tribal affiliation. Clear delineations between where one hapü or iwi begins and ends is not always easy to do. In the case of Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma/ Waitaha and Ngäti Pükenga this is certainly the case. Not all Ngäti Pükenga were Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma, but all Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma are Ngäti Pükenga, as evidenced by the five original grantees in the Te Puke Block, all of whom were Ngäti Pükenga chiefs as well as Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma chiefs1.

Ngäti Pükenga and Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma: An Explanation

11. It must be stated here though, that Ngäti Pükenga and Waitaha were separate entities in the traditional context, and so it remains today. The evidence presented here draws very close parallels between the two, but it should be realised that while there are very close relationships ties, each is separate.

12. Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma, were traditionally a hapü of Waitaha, and maintained their own rangätiratanga as did the other hapü of Waitaha. Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma chose to affiliate with Ngäti Pükenga in the past, for they were the same people. Today also the descendants of Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma, in the main, affiliate with Ngäti Pükenga. This is why our claim was made as the Ngäti Pükenga descendants of'Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma.

13. Therefore to properly understand and appreciate Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma, we must make reference to Ngäti Pükenga and körero from other areas to properly clarify our position.

Ngäti Pükenga and Waitaha

14. We support Uncle Tame’s statements to the Tauranga Tribunal that Ngäti Pükenga is closely related to Waitaha. This association is an ancient one. The whakapapa connections are numerous, and as we are limited by time at this hearing, I have provided one whakapapa to illustrate this relationship at Appendix I. This whakapapa shows some of the relationships, including the connections of some of the Ngäti Pükenga hapü, which draw significantly on Waitaha lines.

Kümaramaoa and Te Täwera

15. Traditionally, Te Täwera like Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma, were considered a hapü of Waitaha. Te Täwera are the descendants of the Waitaha ancestor Kümaramaoa. The Pakikaikutu block in Whängatei2, and the Manaia blocks in Hauraki were awarded to Te Täwera based on this whakapapa. Te Täwera are known today as Ngäti Pükenga. One of the hapü of T e Täwera is Ngäti Te Matau, This hapü descends from the ancestor Matau, son of Te Wharetutu, a Waitaha chief. The descendants of Te Matau aligned themselves with Ngäti Pükenga. Both of Te

1 Maketü Minute Book 5, p.390, 28 June 1883

2 Whängarei Minute Book 6, p.134, 8 April 1895