S028. Statements of Evidence

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Statement of Evidence of Te Awanuiārangi Black: page 7  (10 pages)
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He Whakapapa nö Hei



Te Manutohikura

Te Aoterangi

Te Aorewa

Te Waiokehu


Tüparahaki = Tütehe

Pukuohäkoma = Tarawe Kümaramaoa

Te Ärai = Katatu Tähuwhakatiki

Te Ruhi = Maungaroa Wharetutu

Te Pou = Wairuaiti

Te Ata = Matau

Haengaroa Nohea

Kaui Taitaui

Mautu Te Kouorehua

Rihimona Hapi Ripia Pakara

Kereama Hapi Te Rauköpi

Titikäwhena Oketopa Pëtera Te Räputu Wïremu

Peatatiki (Mere) Black Harata

Te Awanuiärangi Black David Ashby

7. I stand today in support of the evidence of my koroua Tame McCausland, who outlines our Waitaha origins, interests and issues that have impacted upon the mana of Waitaha. I give this evidence to provide the Tribunal with a background to Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma and to show how the hapu was prejudiced by the oper ation of the Native Land Court in a manner we think may be typical across the CNI district. I think this example of Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma in the Te Puke Block is a good case study for issues 2.4 and 2.14 of the Tribunal’s Statement of Issues.

8. The operation of the Native Land Court destroyed our traditional hapü title. The customary land interests of an entire hapü community were replaced by a mere handful of individual owners. This had numerous negative downstream effects as I will discuss later.

9. I have little to add in that respect, and will focus my contribution in terms of the Ngäti T e Pukuohäkoma section of Waitaha, I have said in my statement of claim that this claim is on behalf of the Ngäti Pükenga descendants of Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma. We know that this may cause some consternation amongst some quarters, but it is not intended to do so. The reasons for filing it thus will be addressed in this brief of evidence. This is our view; the view of Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma.