S028. Statements of Evidence

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Statement of Evidence of Te Awanuiārangi Black: page 6  (10 pages)
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1. My name is Te Awanuiärangi Jason Stanley Black. I am also known as Te Awanui Karowhenua and Te Manutohikura. I am one of the claimants for WAI 1178.

2 . This evidence is on behalf of Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma, a hapu of Waitaha. However, I belong to many other tribes including: Ngäti Raukawa ki Te Tonga, Ngä Ruahinerangi, Ngäti Ruanui, Ngä Rauru-kï-tahi, Ngä Puhi, Ngäti Paoa, Ngäi Te Rangi and Ngäti Pükenga. I presently reside in Ötaki amongst my Ngäti Raukawa kin, previously residing at Ngäpeke in Tauranga Moana where I still maintain a home. I regularly return to Tauranga, and am deeply involved in tribal life.

3. I have a Bachelor of Mäori Studies, a Diploma of Teaching and am presently enrolled in two Master’s programmes and a business certificate course. I am presently employed by The Mäori Language Commission and Te Wänanga-o-Raukawa as a dictionary writer and lecturer respectively. I have researched tribal history extensively, and have been regularly called upon to advise on these matters amongst my various tribal affiliations.

4. I descend from many Waitaha ancestors. I have connections to Waitaha through the ancestress Haraki, and also Ngäti Te Rereämanu through Te Aohakirangi. On the Kümaramaoa side my great grandfather Oketopa Tahakura was both Ngäti Rehu and Ngäti Tama. He had interests in Tauranga through these hapü, Ngäti Rehu is a taharua hapü, claiming Waitaha and Ngäti Rangiwewehi connections, while Ngäti Tama has strong Ngäti Ranginui connections. I am of Te Täwera, who are the descendants of Kümaramaoa, , and am a descendant of Hikapä. I am also connected through my whängai koroua Te Kani-a-Takirau Porter, with the Ngäti Te Moemiti hapü of Waitaha. His tupuna koroua was Takaanui Tarakawa, and his kuia Te Aokapurangi, after whom his mother was named. She married Tame Poata of Ngäti Porou.

5. I humbly make these statements to show that I have strong connections to Waitaha. I do not claim though any pre-eminence, nor do I descend from Waitaha tüturu (Ngäti Häraki).

6. Again, today I speak to you as a member of the Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma hapü of Waitaha. My Ngäti Te Pukuohäkoma genealogy is as follows: