S028. Statements of Evidence

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Statement of Evidence of Shane Ashby: page 2  (4 pages)
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1. My name is Shane Ashby. I give this evidence for Ngāti Te Pukuohākoma. We are a hapū of Waitaha. I have previously given evidence to this Tribunal in support of another whakapapa line.

2. This is my relevant whakapapa here:

He Whakapapa nō Hei



Te Manutohikura

Te Aoterangi

Te Aorewa

Te Waiokehu


Tūparahaki = Tūtehe

Pukuohākoma = Tarawe Kūmaramaoa

Te Ārai = Katatu Tāhuwhakatiki

Te Ruhi = Maungaroa Wharetutu

Te Pou = Wairuaiti

Te Ata = Matau



Te Kouorehua

Ripia Pakara

Te Raukōpi

Pētera Te Rāputu Wīremu


Shane Ashby

The Ngāti Te Pukuohākoma Claim

3. In the Stage 1 inquiry the Tribunal heard the raupatu claims of Waitaha within the Tauranga district. Ngāti Te Pukuohākoma did not present evidence as a hapū in the Stage 1 healings, but the wider Waitaha story was told to that Tribunal by Waitaha. As members of Ngāti Te