A046. Otawhiwhi Reserve and Bowentown Domain

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Chapter 3: Crown Acquisition: page 14  (5 pages)
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Huka Parera, ngatia, mere taka,
rotohia, Te puru, Wherama ananai,
Wanakore Mangapohatu, Hohepa Hikutai, Timi x his mark,
tenara, Hohepa Te Kai, Ruka,
Harawira, Hori Ngatai.

The final receipt, for £3,000, was signed on 23 January 1868 by:

Enoka, te puru, Hamiora Tu,
Timoti, te moananui, Hori Ngatai,
Hemi Palmer, Kepa Amohau, Heta,
Rotoehu, Tone, Riko,
Hohepa Hikutaia, Harawira, Heroke,
Pini Te Wharehera, Hamiora, Hohepa Kai,
Mere Taka, Kuka Te Mea, Paikea,
te hatiwira, Akuhata Tupaea, Wi Parera,

This was again witnessed by Mair and Gill.

Attached to the deed was a list of lands to be returned to Maori, which included Otawhiwhi. It was awarded to ‘Patu, Turere, Te Ninihi, and others’, and was said to be 100 acres.

Reserves in the Katikati block were surveyed in 1868 and the Otawhiwhi reserve became lot 1 in the Parish of Katikati. Although the deed said the reserve was a 100 acre area, the survey plan measured lot 1 as only 68 acres.29 This was slightly adjusted in 1890, when a further survey showed the area as being 68 acres 3 roods.30 The land was described on the survey plan as having light soil, with gorse and manuka growth.31

Ngatimaru and Ngatitamatera Deed

The deed of purchase from those Maori from Hauraki who had claimed ownership rights in Katikati was called Te Puna and Katikati No 4’.32 The deed was dated 3 September 1866, and recorded that £1,130 was paid to ‘the Chiefs and People of the Tribes Ngatimaru and Ngatitamatera.’ This deed was signed by:

Te Moana, Taraia Ngakuti, Teira Te Amora,
Riwai Kiore, Ihaka, Irihia,
Na Parata Te Mapu, Wirope Hotereni Taipari, Tutuki,
Te Rua, Karauna, Ruihana,
Mango, Keepa Te Wharau, Te Kereihe,
Waituruturu, Wiremu Paka, W. Hopihana,
Eriatara, Hunia, Hingikerea Puru,
Hoterenri Taipari, Piniaha, Haora Tipa,
Tanewha Kitahi, Morgan Hou.

29 SO 14386

30 SO 5737

31 Ibid

32 Te Puna and Katikati Block No. 4, Tauranga, Bay of Plenty District, Turton, No 460