A046. Otawhiwhi Reserve and Bowentown Domain

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Chapter Overview
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Table of Figures 3
1. Introduction 4
Statement of Claim 4
Location 5
Issues 5
Background History of Bowentown 6
2. Traditional Histories 8
3. Crown Acquisition 11
The Katikati Te Puna Purchase 11
Ngaiterangi Deed 13
Ngatimaru and Ngatitamatera Deed 14
4. Otawhiwhi Reserve and Marae 16
Occupation of the Reserve 16
Marae Renaissance 19
5. Establishment of the Domain 22
6. Development of the Domain 24
Tenants or Squatters, Baches or Shacks 24
Promoting, Developing and Managing the Domain - 1950s Onwards 27
7. Case Studies in Domain Management 32
The Recognition and Protection of Archaeological Sites 32
Sand Removal, Erosion, and Planting 34
Toilet Block Site 36
Coastguard Site 37
8. Summary 40
Bibliography 44
Appendix One: Statement of Claim, Wai 47 46