The Hauraki Report, Volume 2

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Chapter 10: The Ohinemuri Goldfield: page 439  (56 pages)
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Figure 47: Reserves in the Ohinemuri block

Much land that would eventually produce very high levels of bullion was awarded to the Crown. The awards to the Crown and to non-sellers, and the intended reserves to be Crown- granted back to sellers, were marked on plans. Surveying took place in 1883 and 1884 and most of the interests awarded to the Crown were declared to be Crown land in August 1884.

10.4.2 Subsequent negotiations and personal connections

Some auriferous land within the Ohinemuri mining block did remain in Maori possession after the July 1882 awards to the Crown. Especially noteworthy were the Komata Reefs, Maratoto, the Waitekauri Valley, and the Ngati Koi reserve near Waihi. Crown purchasing of these lands continued steadily throughout the remainder of the nineteenth century. In these later transactions, mining activity was a determinant of the price that the Crown was willing to offer.

There is a noteworthy link in the Komata, Maratoto, and Waitekauri purchases. A major