The Hauraki Report, Volume 2

Table of Contents
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Prologue: page xvii  (6 pages)
to preivous pagexvi
xviiito next page
a, ac acre
AJHR Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives
ALR Australian Law Reports
app appendix
App Cas Law Reports, Appeal Cases
ARA Auckland Regional Authority
Atk Atkyn’s Reports
ATL Alexander Turnbull Library
BPP British Parliamentary Papers
CA Court of Appeal
CD compact disc
ch chapter
CJ chief justice (when used after a surname)
cl clause
cmmd command
CMS Church Missionary Society
DNZB The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography (5 vols, Wellington: Department of Internal Affairs, 1990–2000)
doc document
ed edition, editor
ER English Reports
GBPP Great Britain Parliamentary Papers
ha hectare
HCA High Court of Australia
J justice (when used after a surname)
KTC Kauri Timber Company
LINZ Land Information New Zealand
ltd limited
LR Eq Law Reports, Equity Cases
MA master of arts and Maori Affairs file series
MD Mines Department file
MA-MLP Maori Affairs head office file
MS manuscript
n note
NMO native medical officer
no number
NO Maori Affairs head office file
NT Northern Territory
NZ Jur (ns) New Zealand Jurist, New Series
NZJH New Zealand Journal of History
NZLR New Zealand Law Reports
P perch