The Hauraki Report, Volume 1

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Chapter 1: Pare Hauraki Claims: The Background to the Inquiry: page 18  (32 pages)
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the named owners; the alienation by will of a 240-acre reserve to a non-resident spouse, whose descendants subsequently sold the land to a Pakeha, and the sale of reserve land by the Maori Trustee.80 According to the evidence of Whaitiri Mikaere:

For Ngati Raukatauri the common theme - one that is common for all Hauraki Maori - of the landlessness and economic and social decay are the same. The impact for Ngati Raukatauri can be assessed in the following way. Firstly, the immediate effect of alienation of Matamataharakeke and other lands brought loss of income from economic activity and access to natural and cultural resources. Secondly, the loss of future economic opportunity through timber milling, gold and mineral extraction employed during alienation. Ngati Raukatauri were left with lands depleted of its natural resources.81

(15) Wai 694: The Tairua block and Te Karo 1 block claim

Wai 694 was lodged by Reremoana Jones in November 1997 on behalf of her whanau (the descendants of Hori Kerei Tuokioki) with regard to the investigation and alienation of the Tairua block and Te Karo 1 block. Hori Kerei Tuokioki was one of the original five grantees in the two blocks.82 Claimant counsel submitted that ‘Mrs Jones and her whanau do not represent all the descendants of Hori Kerei Tuokioki, nor do they represent all of the descendants of the original five grantees in those blocks’.83 According to claimant evidence, despite the alienation of these blocks, the whanau has continued to maintain their ahi ka in Tairua.84 The main issues relate to the Crown purchase of the Tairua block, the creation of reserves and their later private purchase. A further issue of claim relates to the protection of wahi tapu, notably at Green Point and Te Karaka. A related contemporary issue concerns the realignment of State Highway 25 and the exchange of part of the Oturu reserve for land at Green Point.

(16) Wai 705: The whanau of Peneamene Tanui

Wai 705 was lodged in February 1998 by Barbara Francis on behalf of the whanau of Peneamene Tanui of Whitianga, by virtue of her descent from that tupuna.85 Although Ms Francis identifies as Ngati Hei and there are some shared interests between the claimant and Ngati Hei in some of the lands which are the focus of Wai 705, the claim is not brought as

80. Document A35; doc Y9, pp 17-18, 26-29. The relevant submissions and evidence in relation to the Wai 693 claim include documents M7-M9, M14-M16, M35, Y9, and AA12. The relevant research reports include documents A35 and M4-M6.

81. Document M16, pp 3-4; doc Y9, pp 28-29

82. Claim 1.28; doc M36, p 3

83. Document Y11, p 2

84. Ibid, p 3. The relevant submissions and evidence in relation to the Wai 694 claim include documents J6, M17, M18-M24, M36, Y11, and AA10. The relevant research reports include documents A8, A10, D21, and G11.

85. Claim 1.31; doc Y14, p 5